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直接數字化X 線攝影在鼻骨攝影中的應用

【?2008-05-21 發布?】 臨床報道  


高登發 王海軍 張愛蓮 王玉林
【摘要】 目的 探討直接數字化X 線攝影( direct digitized radiography, DDR) 在鼻骨攝影中的
應用價值。方法 對100 例DDR 鼻骨側位影像采用圖像后處理方法中多級圖像對比增益法, 又稱
“ 交響樂”功能( multi-scale image contrast amplification, MUSICA) 、影像切割與局部放大等功能進行后
處理, 同時數字隨機法對其中30 例行普通X 線攝影。由放射科經驗豐富的醫、技師各2 名對所有鼻
骨影像進行分析, 評價其對鼻骨骨折、鼻骨整體及鼻周軟組織的顯示。結果 100 例DDR 鼻骨影像
中, 診斷骨折46 例, 鼻骨整體及鼻周軟組織顯示滿意的分別為95 和92 例; 對照組30 例DDR 鼻骨影
像發現骨折18 例, X 線片發現骨折11 例, 漏診7 例( χ2 = 5. 14, P < 0. 05) , 30 例DDR 影像中, 鼻骨整
體及鼻周軟組織顯示滿意的均為28 例; 普通X 線片兩者顯示滿意的分別為6 例( χ2 = 20. 05, P <
0. 05) 和10 例(χ2 = 15. 06, P < 0. 05) 。結論 DDR 影像比普通X 線影像能更好的顯示鼻骨和鼻周軟
組織, 提高鼻骨骨折的檢出率。
【關鍵詞】 鼻骨; 骨折; 放射攝影術; 圖像處理, 計算機輔助
Application of direct digit al ra diography of na sal bone GAO Deng-fa , WANG Ha i-jun, ZHANG Ailia
n, WANG Yu-lin. Department of Radiology, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853, China
【Abstra ct 】 Objective To research the application value of direct digital radiograph ( DDR) in
nasal bone imaging. Methods One hundred cases were examined by DDR, 30 cases of them were
examined by two methods both DDR and conventional radiography. All digital images were post-processed
with“ MUSICA”( Multi-Scale Image Contrast Amplification ) , incision and largamente, analyzed and
diagnosed by experienced two radiologists and two technicians. Results One hundred cases of nasal bone,
soft tissue of nose were showed excellent in DDR, and satisfactory cases were 95 and 92, respectively.
Forty-six cases of nasal bone fractures were found. Thirty cases were examined by both DDR and
conventional radiography, images of nasal bone, soft tissue of nose were showed, satisfactory cases were
28 in DDR; and satisfactory cases were 6 ( χ2 = 20. 05, P < 0. 05 ) and 10 ( χ2 = 15. 06, P < 0. 05 )
respectively in conventional radiography. Nasal bone fracture was found in 11 cases and 18 cases ( χ2 =
5. 14, P < 0. 05) in conventional and digital radiography, respectively. Conclusion DDR images of nasal
bone, soft tissue of nose was excellent, more fractures were discovered than conventional radiography. Image
quality of DDR is better than conventional radiography in nasal bone imaging.
【Key wor ds】 Nasal bone; Bone fractures; Radiography; Image processing, computer-assisted

直接數字化X 線攝影在鼻骨攝影中的應用.rar

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