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Metabolon公司受委托即將研究經前期疾病的生物指標 【?2005-08-07 發布?】 美迪醫訊
PMDD是一種嚴重的經前期綜合征,影響大約5%的行經婦女。癥狀包括抑郁、煩躁、緊張、易激惹和喜怒無常。患有PMDD女性的生活質量出現顯著下降。盡管該疾病是由生殖激素所觸發的,但是PMDD的病因目前尚不清楚。目前的治療方案包括使用營養藥物添加劑和某些處方藥物治療。 Metablon科學家將對采集自患PMDD婦女和正常健康婦女的樣本進行對比研究。然后分析所獲得的資料試圖鑒別出反應這兩組人群的代謝差異的生物指標。這項研究的成果或許能夠產生對這項疾病更有效的治療方法。 Metabolon公司商業開發副總裁Reid Tripp說:“Metabolon的技術能夠鑒別出幫助開發治療這種疾病本身的生物學指標,而不僅僅是針對癥狀。這項研究能夠加強對代謝性疾病多樣性和深度的研究。Metabolon一直受到政府、學院和工業單位的委托,研究對多種未來能夠治療疾病的方法。” PMDD is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome that affects about 5% of menstruating women. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, tension, irritability, and moodiness. Women with PMDD often have a significantly reduced quality of life. Although the disorder is triggered by reproductive hormones, the cause of PMDD is not known. Current treatment options include nutritional supplements and prescription drugs. Metablon scientists will compare samples taken from women with PMDD with samples from normal healthy women. They will then analyze the data to identify biomarkers that indicate a metabolic difference between the two groups. Results from this study may lead to more effective treatments for the disorder. “Metabolon’s technology will identify biomarkers that can be used to develop new treatments for the disorder itself, not just the symptoms,” said Reid Tripp, vice president, business development, at Metabolon. “This study reinforces the diversity and depth of metabolomics applications. Metabolon continues to be sought out by government, academia, and industry to find biomarkers that may impact the way various disorders are treated in the future.” /**/本文關鍵字:
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