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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 耶魯大學發現一種調節基因是黑色素瘤的靶標  


【?2005-08-09 發布?】 美迪醫訊




耶魯醫學院病理學副教授David Rimm博士說:“根據這項研究,這些資料提示MITF代表了一類“世系生存”或者“世系增加”腫瘤基因,這種基因在組織特異性發育和腫瘤進展中是必須的。

Regulator Gene a Melanoma Target
Cancer researchers have found that the MITF (microphthalmia-associated transcription factor) master regulator gene is highly amplified in malignant melanoma and presents an attractive target for chemotherapy.

Investigators at Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA) used the new HistoRx Incorporated (New Haven, CT, USA) AQUA (Automated Quantitative Analysis) System to analyze gene numbers in cultures of NCI160 melanoma cells. AQUA is a system that combines fluorescence-based imaging with automated microscopy and high-throughput tissue microarray technologies.

The researchers reported in the July 7, 2005, issue of Nature that the melanocyte master regulator MITF was the target of novel melanoma amplification. MITF amplification was more prevalent in metastatic disease and correlated with decreased overall patient survival. Expression of multiple copies of the MITF gene enhanced the ability of the melanoma cells to develop resistance to chemotherapy. Therefore, drugs designed to prevent amplification of the gene would increase sensitivity to anti-cancer drugs.

“According to the study, these data suggest that MITF represents a distinct class of ‘lineage survival’ or ‘lineage addiction’ oncogenes required for both tissue-specific development and tumor progression,” said contributing author Dr. David Rimm, associate professor of pathology at the Yale School of Medicine.

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