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美國開發出心衰兒童使用心室輔助設備 【?2005-08-31 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種新型VAD適合在兒童中使用,包括新生兒,主要用于治療終末期心臟功能衰竭。這種泵能夠測量7毫米至70毫米,是一種小型旋轉動力VAD。是由Cleveland診所兒童醫院的臨床醫生和Cleveland診所Lerner研究院的生物醫學工程研究人員共同研制開發的。 盡管PediPump比傳統的VADS小許多,但是它的血液動力學性能十分優越。開發人員相信這種通用設計最終將使其能夠用于各種臨床科室。他們已經計劃進一步減小PediPump的體積,以成為可植入的兒童VAD。這種新設備的性能報告發表在2005年7月期的《人造器官》期刊上。 Cleveland診所兒童醫院的副主任、首席研究員Brian Duncan說:“歷史上,對失去功能的兒童心臟的機械支持可以選擇的余地很小。PediPump是一種人造心臟泵,專門設計用于心衰兒童患者。PediPump的實驗開發與類似設備將會給心衰兒童帶來新希望。” This new VAD is suitable for use in children, including newborns, for the treatment of end-stage heart failure. The pump, which measures 7 mm by 70 mm, is a small rotary dynamic VAD. It was developed by a partnership between clinicians at The Children’s Hospital at the Cleveland Clinic and researchers in biomedical engineering at the Lerner Institute of the Cleveland Clinic (OH, USA). In spite of the fact that the PediPump is much smaller than traditional VADS, it has demonstrated excellent hemodynamic performance. The developers believe the versatile design will ultimately allow for its use in a variety of clinical settings. They have plans to further reduce the size of the PediPump to allow for a totally implantable pediatric VAD. A status report on the new devices appeared in the July 2005 issue of Artificial Organs. “Historically, children have had few options for mechanical support of the failing heart,” stated lead researcher Dr. Brian Duncan, an associate staff member of The Children’s Hospital at The Cleveland Clinic. “The PediPump is an artificial heart pump designed specifically for children with heart failure. The experimental development of the PediPump and similar devices will give new hope to children with heart failure.” /**/本文關鍵字:
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