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CCSI和Spacelabs公司共同推出NICU新設備 【?2005-09-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊
該模塊能夠進行持續的文件記錄,從患者穩定性到出院、高風險、低風險手術清單,提示手術的耐受程度和介入、環境檢查和報警界限以及系統評估,來自其他NICU設備的登錄,對呼吸暫停和心動過緩發作進行記錄。 這種制圖模塊叫做OBiX圍產期資料系統,是由臨床計算機系統公司(CCSI)研制成功的,由CCSI和Spacelabs共同推向市場。該模塊能夠在現在的Spacelabs患者監視系統上進行觀察,允許護理人員在放置在床邊的設備上使用。Spacelabs公司為這種NICU提供了專門設計的各種監視器。 Spacelabs監視器配備WinDNA后,方便了臨床醫生直接在床邊監視器上觀察和控制Windows應用程序,允許在患者屏幕上展示各種實驗室和診斷檢查結果以及文檔。 Spacelabs公司的總裁兼首席執行官Dave Tilly說:“這種模塊證明通過合作,我們能夠提供最佳解決方案。我們的目標是幫助臨床工作人員作出更加有效率、知情更好的決策,使他們能夠花更多時間來護理最小的、最容易收到傷害的患者。” Charting Module for NICU The module provides a continuum of documentation from stabilization through discharge, high- and low-risk procedure listings indicating procedure tolerance and interventions, and environmental check and alarms limits, as well as systemic assessments, entries from other NICU devices, and ongoing episodic records of apneic and bradycardic occurrences. The charting module, called the OBiX perinatal data system, was developed by Clinical Computer Systems, Inc. (CCSI, Elgin, IL, USA) and is jointly marketed by CCSI and Spacelabs Medical, Inc. (Issaquah, WA, USA). The module can be viewed on an existing Spacelabs patient monitoring system, enabling nursing staff to use it right at bedside on equipment already in place. Spacelabs offers a variety of monitors designed for the NICU. Spacelabs monitors equipped with WinDNA enable clinicians to view and control Windows applications directly on the patient’s bedside monitor, permitting the display of extensive laboratory and diagnostic test results and documentation on one patient screen. “The module demonstrates the kind of ‘best of breed’ solutions we can provide by working together,” said Dave Tilly, president and CEO of Spacelabs. “Our goal is to help clinical staff make more efficient, better-informed decisions, giving them the gift of more time to care for their smallest, most vulnerable patients.” /**/本文關鍵字:
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