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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Olympus推出新型C反應蛋白乳膠檢測方法  


【?2005-09-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊



C反應蛋白是最敏感的急性時相反應物的一種。CRP的檢測在檢測和評估感染、組織損傷和炎癥性疾病以及其他相關疾病中,扮演著重要角色。這種CRP乳膠檢測提供了3種檢測方法,覆蓋了人血清中含量范圍廣泛的CRP:正常(5~170 mg/l)、敏感(0.5~20 mg/l)和高度敏感(新生兒:0.05~2.00 mg/l)。這種檢測可以在所有Olympus 化學免疫分析儀上操作。


New Latex CRP Assay
A new c-reactive protein (CRP) latex assay has been developed as an independent cardiac risk marker. The assay has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The new assay was developed by Olympus Diagnostic Systems Group (Melville, NY, USA), whose parent company is Olympus Corp. (Tokyo, Japan). Olympus notes that highly sensitive application measurements when used in conjunction with traditional clinical laboratory evaluations maybe useful as an independent marker of prognosis for recurrent events in patients with either stable coronary disease or acute coronary syndromes.

C-reactive protein is one of the most sensitive acute-phase reactants. Measurement of CRP can play a role in the detection and evaluation of infection, tissue injury, and inflammatory disorders and related diseases. The CRP latex assay offers three applications covering a variety of measuring ranges to quantify CRP in human serum: normal (5 to 170 mg/l), sensitive (0.5 to -20 mg/l), and highly sensitive (neonatal, 0.05 to 2.00 mg/l). The assay can be run on the full line of Olympus chemistry-immuno analyzers.

Olympus offers a broad line of random access chemistry-immuno analyzers along with lab automation systems, comprehensive patient safety systems, blood bank analyzers, and reagents.

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