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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Fischer推出SenoScan2新型數字乳房掃描系統  


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由美國Fischer影像學集團(Denver, CO, USA)研制開發的SenoScan2全視野數字乳房成像系統,具有以下優點: 很少有患者需要再次到醫院拍片;患者的焦慮感減少,因為能夠即刻得到所拍的片子;預約時間減少,因為得到檢查報告的速度更快;臨床醫生能夠對影像進行放大和最優化處理。



New Digital Mammography System
A new system based on slot scan digital mammography (SSDM) technology provides extremely high image quality with 60% reduction in radiation exposure.

Utilizing digital technology, the clinician can zoom in, magnify, and optimize different areas of the breast tissue on the image without having to take further images. In terms of preparation and positioning, the patient experience is the same. However, the result of the test offers several advantages, including a more powerful diagnosis.

The advantages of the SenoScan 2 full-field digital mammography system, developed by Fischer Imaging Corp. (Denver, CO, USA), include the following advantages: fewer patients have to come back for additional images, patients experience less anxiety as images are generated immediately, less time is needed for appointments because results are obtained faster, and clinicians can magnify and optimize mammography results.

Having been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this system is the only mammography one to provide 25 micron native diagnostic resolution. The system’s larger field of view accommodates more patients. The unit’s curved breast support is more comfortable and helps reduce motion during exposure. The patented slot-scanning technology and cesium iodide charged coupled device (CCD) receptor reduce radiation dose.

Other features of the system include 50 micron screening and 25 micron diagnostic modes, comfortable accommodation of virtually any patient, greater system efficiency that allows lower radiation dosing, and advanced connectivity that allows networking and archiving of patient records within hospitals and clinics.

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