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WardrayPremise公司開發出一系列醫用輻射防護設備 【?2005-10-30 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Wardray Premise公司(Surrey, UK)是一家歷史悠久的輻射防護產品制造商。該公司的創新Relax & View視頻放松系統,被設計用于減輕患者接受掃描時候的焦慮感,通過掃描儀自己的音頻系統或者Wardray音頻放松系統,使用音頻來放松患者。 Safeview CCTV相機被設計在MRI掃描儀上使用,允許操作者清楚的觀察患者。該系統完全從控制室內進行操作,通過全色彩、平板監視器進行觀察。該公司的患者運輸系統現在包括成人和兒童手推車、搬運椅和輪椅。可調節高度的手推車使用動力輔助水壓泵來升高和降低病床。 Radiation-Shielding Products Wardray Premise Ltd. (Surrey, UK) is a long-established manufacturer of radiation-shielding products. The company’s innovative Relax & View video relaxation system is designed to relax the anxious patient while being scanned with audio to the patient through the scanners’ own audio system or through the Wardray audio relaxation system. The patient views the screen via a mirror mounted on the head coil or attached to the table top with a suitable mount. The Safeview CCTV camera has been designed for use in MRI scanners and allows the operator a clear view of the patient. The system is operated totally from the control room and viewed via a full-color, flat panel monitor. The company’s range of transportation systems now includes both adult and pediatric trolleys, portering chairs, and wheelchairs. The adjustable height trolley works using a power-assisted foot operated hydraulic pump to raise and lower the bed. 本文關鍵字:
Wardray Premise,醫用,輻射防護設備
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