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美推出實時自動三維手術觀察系統 【?2005-11-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型不使用眼鏡的三維(3D)實時自動手術顯示方案最近研究成功。 在美國亨利福特醫院Vattikuti泌尿科診所(Birmingham, MI, USA),一位機器人手術中心的先驅者,在特殊眼鏡的輔助之下,使用三維顯示手術方案,成功地展示了LifeVision 3D系統,這種系統幫助外科醫生實時全色彩地觀察手術,而不會受到專用眼鏡起霧、滑脫或者干擾正常觀察的煩惱。 對醫療手術的3D展示能夠幫助惠及遠程醫學的診斷、創傷處理以及醫療保健機構和軍事環境下的遠程會診。Intrepid防御&安全系統是唯一獲得許可的系統,是用于防御和保護軟件和遠程醫學LifeVision3D超清晰觀察系統的集大成者。該公司提供自動立體3D展示系統以及記錄、傳輸和實時3維視頻展示。 3D Robotic Surgical Imaging System At the Henry Ford Hospital Vattikuti Urology Clinic (Birmingham, MI, USA), a pioneer in the use of robotic surgery centers and the use of three-dimensional display of surgical procedures with the aid of special eyewear, provided a successful demonstration of the LifeVision 3D system, which allows a surgeon to observe procedures in real time and full-color without the encumbrance of special glasses that can fog, slip, or interfere with normal viewing. 3D display of medical procedures can benefit telemedicine applications in diagnostics, injury treatment, and remote consultation in healthcare and military conditions. Intrepid Defense & Security Systems is the exclusive licensed system integrator of LifeVision3D extreme high-resolution visualization systems for defense and protection applications and telemedicine. The company provides autostereoscopic 3D display systems and the ability to record, transmit, and display real time 3D video. 本文關鍵字:
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