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心臟衰竭診斷的新指標 【?2005-12-13 發布?】 美迪醫訊
先前的研究已經證實這個指標的價值,但是局限在單中心而且患者數量較少。在當前研究中的720例患者被診斷為急性心衰,NT-proBNP中位數水平大大高于那些不是急性心衰的患者。當癥狀嚴重程度增加的時候,NT-proBNP的水平也升高。NT-proBNP是心臟激素BNP的生物無活性前體。許多先前的研究顯示BNP是診斷充血性心臟衰竭的指標。 這項研究是在新西蘭、西班牙和荷蘭進行的。與那些水平較低的患者相比較,NT-proBNP水平超過5,180 pg/ml的患者在研究期間死亡風險升高5倍。這項研究結果在2005年11月17日《歐洲心臟期刊》在線版上進行了報道。 Blood Test Confirmed Useful for Heart Failure Prior studies have suggested this usefulness but were restricted to single centers and a small number of patients. In 720 of the current patients, who were diagnosed with acute heart failure, median NT-proBNP levels were considerably higher compared to patients who did not have acute heart failure. As the severity of symptoms rose, levels of NT-proBNP also rose. NT-proBNP is the biologically inert precursor to the heart hormone BNP. Many previous studies have shown BNP as a marker in the diagnosis of congestive heart failure. The patients in the new study were in New Zealand, Spain, and the Netherlands. Those whose levels of NT-proBNP were greater than 5,180 pg/ml were found to have a fivefold increased risk of death within the study period, compared to patients whose levels were low. The study’s findings were reported in the November 17, 2005, online edition of the European Heart Journal. /**/本文關鍵字:
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