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經皮膚穿刺治療“汗手癥” 【?2005-12-15 發布?】 美迪醫訊
經皮膚穿刺治療“汗手癥” CT透視輔助的經皮膚交感神經阻斷術是一項只需要20分鐘的手術,無需麻醉,沒有神經損傷或者出血的危險,只有出現Horner綜合征的微小風險,該綜合征會影響眼瞼的運動。 在此之前唯一的能夠永久治療汗手的方法,是胸部傳統或者內窺鏡下手術交感神經阻斷術,而那需要全身或者局部麻醉。 在該治療方案中,醫生只需要通過上背部一次針刺穿刺,使用CT引導,注射一種含酚的藥物,破壞傳遞信號到出汗神經結的神經束和神經結。許多患者需要在兩側各做一次治療。手術交感神經阻斷術,可能會出現無法預測但是十分罕見的在胸部水平代償性出汗的危險。
Percutaneous sympathectomy with computed tomography (CT) fluoroscopy is a 20-minute procedure requiring no anesthesia, with no risk of nerve damage or bleeding and only minimal risk of Horner syndrome, which affects movement of the eyelid. Previously, the only known permanent treatments for sweaty hands were thoracic conventional or endoscopic surgical sympathectomies that required general or local anesthesia. In the procedure, doctors make a single needle puncture through the upper back and, using CT guidance, inject a phenol-based medication that interrupts the nerve tracts and nodes that transmit signals to the sweat glands. Most patients require a single treatment for each side. As with surgical sympathectomy, there is an unpredictable but rare risk of compensatory sweating at the level of the chest. /**/本文關鍵字:
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