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Nanogen公司開發出呼吸道病毒檢測的新型試劑 【?2005-12-30 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種特異性分析試劑(ASR)叫做NGEN RVA,可以用于A型和B型流感病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒、副流感病毒1、2、3型的序列和鑒別。這種檢測能夠在不同樣本中進行,包括鼻拭子,可以作為臨床檢測方法。還包括進行科研使用的實時定量PCR試劑探針和引物,可以用于鑒別A型和B型流感病毒。 這些試劑由Nanogen公司(San Diego, CA, USA)提供,是和Prodesse公司(Waukesha, WI, USA)合作共同開發的,這是一家感染性疾病分子診斷試劑的權威供應商。這些試劑已經獲得了CE標記。 這些試劑針對的核酸序列同樣在H5N1型流感病毒株中發現,也被叫做禽流感病毒。對禽流感病毒篩查感興趣的實驗室可以選擇實時定量PCR試劑,或者被批準用于臨床診斷的ASRs試劑。 Diagnostics for Respiratory Pathogens The analyte-specific reagents (ASR), called NGEN RVA, can be used to develop assays that can detect the sequences of, and differentiate among, influenza A and B, respiratory syncytial virus, and parainfluenza 1, 2, and 3. The assays can be performed with various sample types, including nasal swabs, and can be used as clinical diagnostic tests. Included with the reagents are a research-use-only real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) probe and primer for the identification of the influenza A and B viruses. The reagents, available from Nanogen, Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA), were developed in cooperation with Prodesse, Inc. (Waukesha, WI, USA), a leading supplier of molecular-based reagents for infectious diseases. The reagents have received the CE Mark. The reagents target a nucleic acid sequence also found in the H5N1 strain of the influenza, known as the avian flu virus. Labs interested in screening for avian flu can choose between the real-time PCR research reagents or the set of ASRs that can be validated for clinical use. /**/本文關鍵字:
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