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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > MedMira獲得新型診斷技術平臺  


【?2006-01-13 發布?】 美迪醫訊


這種平臺叫做Project Maple,是由加拿大多倫多大學的一一個研究小組發明的,由化學系分析化學教授和生物物質與生物化學工程研究所副研究員Michael Thompson博士主持的。

這個平臺屬于Sensor Chem International集團,現在被MedMira公司(Halifax, Canada;獲得,該公司計劃使用這種新技術來擴大產品線。這種來自Project Maple的新產品和應用軟件將會成為MedMirwa產品線的補充,包括HIV、丙型肝炎和其它感染性疾病的床邊檢測。根據MedMira的說法,這種新技術能夠很方便地用于診所、醫院和實驗室。

面對實驗室困難和對更加快速、可靠檢測結果地需求,臨床實驗室一直致力于自動而簡便的檢測。Project Maple產品線能夠確保快速和簡便的樣本處理,以及將數字診斷結果整合進入電子患者病例記錄系統。


New Diagnostic Technology Platform
A new biosensor technology platform allows users to assess multiple diagnostic markers quickly and efficiently, facilitating a fast turnaround time in patient point-of-care (POC) testing.

The platform, known as Project Maple, was invented by a team of researchers at the University of Toronto (Canada), headed by Dr. Michael Thompson, professor of analytic chemistry in the department of chemistry and associated member of the Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. The platform, owned by Sensor Chem International Corp., is being acquired by MedMira, Inc. (Halifax, Canada;, which plans to use the new technology to broaden its product offerings.

The new products and applications resulting from Project Maple will complement the current product portfolio of MedMirwa, which consists of rapid flow-through POC tests for HIV, hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases. The new technology can be easily implemented in clinics, hospitals, and laboratories, according to MedMira.

Facing labor shortages and demand for faster, reliable test results, clinical laboratories are continually looking for increased automation and simplicity.

Project Maple’s product line will enable fast and easy sample preparation and the ability to provide digital tracking of diagnostic results into electronic

patient record systems.

MedMira will buy all the outstanding chares of SensorChem for about U.S.$2,066,720. SensorChem will continue to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of

MedMira. MedMira supplies rapid diagnostic solutions to healthcare communities around the world.

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