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Cedara公司推出用于脊柱外科的軟件 【?2006-02-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
第二中系統叫做Spineview,推向市場的時候叫做Cedara Orthoworks脊柱分析者,能夠檢測骨骼輪廓,檢測脊椎頸部、胸部、腰部和骶骨部。運動的功能范圍、平均脊椎轉動中心、脊柱前傾和后凸是這種500增強型X光脊柱參數的一部分,能夠在Spine Analyzer的地理圖上進行展示。這套系統的半自動脊椎-解剖-檢測功能,簡化了外科手術方案的制定過程,從而能夠在較短時間內進修標準的脊柱測定。能夠在2維X關圖像上保證精確性和可重復性,并且可以提供重要生命體征的信息。 這兩種系統都是由Surgiview(Paris, France)公司研制的。在市場上叫做Cedara軟件公司(Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)。 The Profile system, marketed as Cedara Orthoworks Care Manager, captures relevant clinical parameters during diagnosis, therapy and post-therapy follow-up. Powerful and intuitive data-mining tools allow users to quickly perform outcome analyses. User-selected data can be safely shared between users through secure e-mail enabling exchange and/or centralization of data for multi-center studies. The second system, Spineview, which is marketed as Cedara Orthoworks Spine Analyser, detects the bone contours and measurements of the spinal vertebrae for cervical, lumbar, postural, and frontal analysis. Functional range of motion, mean centers of vertebral rotation, lordosis, and kyphosis are just a few of the 500-plus x-ray-based spine parameters that are available in Spine Analyzer’s graphical display. The system’s semi-automated spinal vertebral-anatomy-detection feature simplifies surgical planning and allows standard spinal measurements to be applied in less time. Accurate and reproducible measurements on two-dimensional (2D) x-rays images add vital information. Both systems were developed by Surgiview (Paris, France). They are marketed by Cedara Software Corp. (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). 本文關鍵字:
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