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Codonics公司研發出干式成像儀 【?2006-03-22 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Codonics公司(Middleburg Heights, OH, USA)研發的Horizon干式成像儀,綜合媒體選擇為工作人員提供了膠片成像儀所不能提供的功能。這套系統為臨床醫生在一套設備中提供了膠片、彩色、和灰度相紙,為成像中心提供了確保參考實驗室安全的工具。 這套成像儀適合放射科從膠片的包圍中,轉變為較少使用膠片。代替Codonics DirectVista低成本灰度相紙,這種相紙用于傳統膠片印刷,能夠節約工作人員65%的膠片成本。而且尤其適合出報告的醫生,因為能夠在房間的燈光下閱讀,而不會降低影像的質量。照片重量的相紙能夠和膠片一樣存檔。 Dry Imager Offers Media Options Developed by Codonics (Middleburg Heights, OH, USA), the Horizon dry imager’s combination of media options provides facilities with an advantage that film-only imagers cannot offer. The system gives clinicians the choice of film, color, and grayscale paper in one device, providing imaging centers with a tool to secure ongoing referral business. This imager is suitable to transition a radiology department at a comfortable pace from film to less film. Substituting Codonics DirectVista low-cost grayscale paper for conventional film prints can save facilities up to 65% off their current film costs. It is preferred by referring physicians because it can be read in room light with no compromise in image quality. Furthermore, the photo-weight paper archives the same as film. /**/本文關鍵字:
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