首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Eastman Kodak推出新型便攜式計算機放射成像系統 |
Eastman Kodak推出新型便攜式計算機放射成像系統 【?2006-03-27 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Kodak DirectView CR長程便攜式影像系統,被設計用于醫院x光檢查室、外科手術室、整形外科診所、能夠被用于床邊便攜式檢查。這種靈活輔助設備能夠增加當前是使用的計算機放射成像平臺的仰臥和直立長程檢測能力。這其中的關鍵之一就是Kodak擁有的轉化軟件,這種軟件無需放射技師或者放射科醫生任何的人工干預,即可提供幾乎無縫的長程掃描。 The Kodak DirectView CR Long-Length portable imaging system is designed for use in hospital x-ray rooms, surgical suites, orthopedic clinics, and can also be used for bedside portable exams. This flexible accessory will add supine and portable exams to the erect long-length capabilities currently available with our computed radiography platform. One of our key differentiators is Kodak抯 proprietary stitching software, which provides a nearly seamless long-length image that is ready for diagnosis without any need for manual intervention by technologists or radiologists,?said Mike Marsh, general manager, Digital Capture Solutions and vice president, Eastman Kodak Co. 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢
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