首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Luxo開發的放大器提高了醫院實驗室工作人員的安全 |
Luxo開發的放大器提高了醫院實驗室工作人員的安全 【?2006-04-10 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種新型放大器同樣還能夠保護醫院門診抗凝診所的工作人員提供保護。例如在Ealing醫院(Southall, UK),護士和靜脈切開操作人員對應用抗凝劑華法令治療的患者常規采血。該檢測需要在床邊使用毛細血管樣本采集技術,該方法一直廣泛使用,能夠對患者進行及時治療。毛細血管樣本從患者手指采集,手工注入試管中。在此過程中,血液會接觸工作臺面或者操作人員的衣服。而新型Magnifique II能夠作為一種屏障減少醫護人員被污染的危險。這種放大器是由Luxo公司(Mitcham, UK)開發的。 The new magnifier can also protect those working in hospital outpatient anticoagulant clinics. For example, at Ealing Hospital (Southall, UK), nurses and phlebotomists carry out routine blood tests on patients taking Warfarin, an anticoagulant drug. The test involves a capillary sample technique at “point of care,” a process widely used to allow immediate treatment of the patient. A capillary blood sample is drawn from the patient’s finger and transferred by hand pipette into a testing chamber. During the process, blood could come into contact with the work surfaces or the operator’s clothing. The new Magnifique II functions as a barrier that reduces the danger of contamination to the healthcare worker. The magnifier was developed by Luxo (Mitcham, UK). 本文關鍵字:
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