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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 緊急求救設備能夠定位需要幫助的人員  


【?2006-05-31 發布?】 美迪醫訊


不到100克只有手機那么大,但是配備了很大很清晰可辨的按鈕,這種MobilAlarm設備操作簡便,使用便捷。 同時按下兩個大按鈕就能夠呼叫服務中心。一個獨立按鈕能夠呼叫預置的電話號碼,可以是朋友、親戚或者鄰居,具有擴音功能而無需連接在耳朵上。第四個按鈕用于取消正常的呼叫。


Emergency Device Locates People in Distress
A new location-independent mobile alarm and tele-care service enables older people, those concerned about safety, the chronically ill, and the disabled to initiate an alarm call whenever and wherever they need to do so.

Weighing less than 100 g and as small as a mobile phone, but with four large and clearly discernible buttons, the MobilAlarm device is easy to handle and above all straightforward to use. Pressing the two large buttons simultaneously initiates a call to the service center. A separate button initiates a call to a pre-programmed telephone number, which could be that of a friend, relative, or neighbor, while enhanced audio features mean the device does not have to be held up to the ear. The fourth button is for canceling a normal phone call.

When an emergency call is placed to a service center, the operator who takes the call automatically receives the user's file on the computer, and, if necessary, can use global positioning satellite (GPS) tracking to obtain information about the location of the person with an accuracy of within 50 meters. This is particularly important when people do not know where they are or are having difficulty speaking. The system was successfully tested last year with around 100 elderly users in the United Kingdom, Spain, and Germany, who were each given the device for at least three months.

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