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BioCurex公司開發出前列腺癌比色檢測法 【?2006-11-03 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種新方法使用化學發光法檢測alpha-胎蛋白(RECAF),這是血清中的一種癌癥指標。化學發光法是以標記物與特定化學物質接觸后能夠發光為基礎的,能夠用于高通量系統。該技術比放免法具有優勢,放免法使用放射性同位素作為標記物來檢測微量的RECAF。化學發光法具有更長的保存時間,使用更加方便,更加容易運輸。 2006年9月美國帕薩迪納(CA, USA)舉行的國際癌胚抗原生物學與醫學年會上,BioCurex公司(Richmond, Canada)展示了該公司使用該版本RECAF血液檢測法精細癌癥檢測的結果。 Colorimetric Assay for Prostate Cancer Offers Advantages The new test uses chemoluminescence to estimate the amount of the receptor for alpha-fetoprotein (RECAF), a cancer marker, in serum. Chemoluminescence, which is based on a tag that emits light when it reacts with certain chemicals, can be used with high throughput systems. The technique has advantages over the radioimmunoassay, which uses a radioisotope as the tag to estimate trace amounts of RECAF. The colorimetric method has a longer shelf life, is more convenient, and is easier to ship. BioCurex Inc. (Richmond, Canada), presented its first set of results using the colorimetric version of its RECAF blood test for cancer detection at the annual meeting of the International Society for Oncofetal Biology and Medicine, which was held in September 2006 in Pasadena (CA, USA). 本文關鍵字:
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