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與侵襲性前列腺癌相關的遺傳標志物 【?2007-06-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊
最近發現一種與侵襲性前列腺癌高度相關遺傳標志物。 這種遺傳標記物可通過簡單的血液檢測預期可能發生的侵襲性腫瘤。這種遺傳標記也可協助指導醫生如何治療這類病人。 美國西北大學醫學中心所進行這項研究,表明侵襲性癌癥與這種標記高度相關。前列腺癌病人所攜帶的這種遺傳標記叫做8q24,與這種疾病高度相關。攜帶這種標記物的個體患前列腺癌的幾率達40%。 相比之下,不攜帶此遺傳標記物的個體患前列腺癌的幾率達20%。研究對象為美國西北大學腫瘤中心所研究的550例前列腺病人。科學家對攜帶這種標志物和不攜帶這種標記的病人做了比較,試圖確定兩者間的區別。 “攜帶8q24標記物的病人有患前列腺癌的傾向性。”泌尿學專家Helfand解釋道。攜帶這種標記的腫瘤病人早期更容易侵犯淋巴結,并且手術切除后不容易恢復。 來源: medinews.com Genetic Marker Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer A recently identified genetic marker for prostate cancer is linked to a highly aggressive form of the disease. This genetic marker ultimately will aid the development of a simple blood test to predict who is susceptible to this aggressive cancer. Knowing which patients carry this genetic marker also will guide doctors in how they treat the cancer. A study, performed by Northwestern University抯 Feinberg School of Medicine (Chicago, IL, USA) investigators, showed a strong hereditary component to this aggressive cancer. Prostate cancer patients who carry the genetic marker--called 8q24--are much more likely to have a close family member with the disease. They have a 40% chance of having a close family member with prostate cancer. In contrast, prostate cancer patients who do not carry the marker have a 20% chance. The study looked at more than 550 prostate cancer patients who had been treated at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center at Northwestern University. Researchers wanted to identify the characteristics of prostate cancer in men who were carriers of these genetic markers to see if their cancer differed from that in men who did not carry the gene variant. e found the carriers of these 8q24 markers had more aggressive tumors,?said Prof. Helfand, an assistant research professor of urology at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine, a co-principal investigator of the study and a physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. patients who were carriers had cancers that were more likely to spread into the lymph nodes and were more difficult to surgically remove.? Dr. Helfand presented his findings on May 20, 2007, at the American Urological Association meeting in Anaheim, CA, USA. 《美迪醫訊》歡迎您參與新聞投稿,業務咨詢: 美迪醫療網業務咨詢《上海醫療器械批發》產品推薦
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