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Opportunities in Chinese Anticancer Drugs Market

【?2008-07-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊

Opportunities in Chinese Anticancer Drugs Market

Developments and Opportunities of Multinational Corporations in Chinese Anticancer Drugs Market
Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Format:  Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price:  US$1,960
Contact: Mr.Humphrey  
Tel.: 86-10-58110925            Fax:  86-10-58110918
Table of contents
1 Overview of global anticancer market
    1.1 Growth potential
    1.2 Categories of cancer and therapeutics
    1.3 General analysis of global maket
    1.4 Leading enterprises and news of research and development
2 Overview of Chinese anticancer market
    2.1 Epidemic Trend of malignant neoplasms
    2.2 Epidemic Trend of key malignant neoplasms
    2.3 Categories and breeds of anticancer drugs marketed in China
    2.4 Market scale and growth trend
    2.5 Market analysis of key breeds
    2.6 Top enterprises ranked by sales value in China
    2.7 Multinational Corporations' share in whole Chinese market
    2.8 Influencing factors to Chinese anticancer drugs market
    2.9 Insurance types for cancer and compensation ways
3 Administration of diseases in China
    3.1 Administration organization for cancer prevention  and cure
    3.2 Achievement for cancer prevention  and cure
    3.3 Chinese principle of prevention and cure for cancer
    3.4 Prevention project for cancer
    3.5 The aim for cancer prevention  and cure
4 Chinese research projects for anticancer drugs
    4.1 Chinese cancer control policy
    4.2 863 project
    4.3 973 project
    4.4 Projects of National Natural Science Fund
    4.5 Other research projects
    4.6 Chines organizations of clinical study for anticancer drugs
    4.7 Research cooperations of Multinational Corporations with domestic organizations
5 Developments and Opportunities of Multinational Corporations in China
    5.1 the Model of the Entry of Multinational Corporations into the Chinese Market
        5.1.1 Setting up offices in China
        5.1.2 Setting up joint ventrure enterprise
        5.1.3 Setting up research center
    5.2 About CRO in China
    5.3 Superority and shortcoming of Multinational Corporations
    5.4 Challenges for Multinational Corporations
    5.5 Future market is charming for Multinational Corporations
    5.6 Risk for Multinational Corporations
    5.7 New trends of investment from multination corporations in China
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