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Scandius公司推出已經獲得專LI的前十字韌帶重建系統 【?2004-12-16 發布?】 美迪醫訊
Stratis ST ACL系統是一種新型前十字韌帶重建系統,可以減少手術時間和患者的創傷。該系統已經獲得美國食品藥品管理局的許可。 該系統是根據以及獲得技術設計制造的,包括使用可生物吸收聚合體材料制造的可重復使用的工具和固定植入體。系統允許外科醫生使用關節內窺鏡檢查操作,從而減少了手術時間和患者的創傷。該技術通過減少了手術步驟、免除了復雜費時的測量而將外科手術方案簡化。Stratis植入體提供了組織到骨的通道壓縮以及在股骨關節線固定,這是需要外科醫生鑒別的兩個關鍵區域,而使用當前技術無法進行鑒別。 Stratis系統由美國Scandius BioMedical公司(Littleton, MA, USA)研制成功,該公司目前關注重點是關節內窺鏡檢查操作進行軟組織前十字韌帶重建,未來發展將涉及關節軟骨、半月板修補以及其它運動相關性軟組織與關節損傷。 Scandius生物醫學公司創始人、主席、首席執行官Mark A. Johanson說:“我們相信Stratis將為外科醫生提供手術與臨床的效益,我們十分高興將這項革新技術應用于外科醫生迫切需求改進的領域,” The system is based on patented technology comprising reusable instruments and a fixation implant manufactured from both bioabsorbable and polymer materials. By allowing a surgeon to perform the procedure arthroscopically, both surgical time and patient trauma are reduced. The technology simplifies the surgical procedure by reducing the number of steps needed to perform the technique while also eliminating complicated, time-consuming measurements. The Stratis implant provides tissue-to-bone tunnel compression and fixation at the joint line of the femur, two key areas of need that surgeons have identified as unmet with current technology. Stratis was developed by Scandius BioMedical, Inc. (Littleton, MA, USA), whose current focus is on arthroscopic soft tissue ACL reconstruction, with future developments addressing the areas of articular cartilage, meniscal repair, and other soft-tissue sports-related joint injuries. “We believe Stratis will provide surgeons both surgical and clinical benefits, and we are excited to bring an innovative technology solution in an area where surgeons have expressed a need for advancement,” said Mark A. Johanson, founder, president, and CEO of Scandius BioMedical. 本文關鍵字:
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