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西門子公司:提高手術精確性的術中三維C臂 【?2004-12-21 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型移動C臂能夠在手術室內使用,在術中直接產生三維影像。 Arcadis Orbic3D是由西門子醫療公司(Erlangen, Germany)研制成功的,使得手術干預更加精確。 西門子醫療公司特殊系統部主席Holger Schmidt說:“我們注意到手術室內對術中三維影像需求的持續增長。Arcadis Orbit3D的研制成功是對我們公司三維影像平臺的強有力的補充,在功能、影像質量與成像速度上都有顯著改進,這將進一步提高手術室中復雜外科手術的臨床工作流程。” 這種C臂適合于那些尋求對西門子Siremobil Iso-C3D系統功能進行升級的客戶,能夠為復雜的脊柱與整型外科手術提供準確結果。Arcadis Orbit C臂具有同心設計和進行三維成像的190o軌道運動。該設備適合于上肢與下肢的骨與關節、胸部、子宮頸和腰椎、骨盆和臀部、以及上頜面區域的三維成像。 這種C臂能夠配備NaviLink3D,這是一種直接3D導航界面。這種界面聯合了C臂的成像能力與高精確度外科導航性能,無需對三維成像解剖學進行人工排列。這樣做的結果是外科導航準確性的增加與臨床工作流程的最優化。
The Arcadis Orbic 3D, developed by Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany), makes surgical interventions more precise. “We see a continuously increasing demand for intra-operative 3D imaging in the OR. Arcadis Orbit 3D is a strong addition to our 3D imaging platform with significant refinements in terms of power, image quality, and speed, which further improve the clinical workflow for complex surgery in the OR,” said Holger Schmidt, president, Special Systems Division, Siemens Medical Solutions. This C-arm is suitable for customers seeking additional, powerful enhancements of the Siemens’ Siremobil Iso-C3D, which continues to deliver positive outcomes in complicated spine and orthopedic surgery. The Arcadis Orbit C-arm features an isocentric design and 190o orbital movement that enables 3D imaging. It is suitable for intra-operative 3D imaging of joints and bones of the upper and lower extremities; thoracic, cervical, and lumbar spine; pelvis and hip; and maxillofacial regions. The C-arm can be equipped with NaviLink 3D, an interface for direct 3D navigation. This interface combines the imaging capabilities of the C-arm with high-precision surgical navigation, eliminating the need for manual alignment of the anatomy to the 3D image. The result is increased accuracy of surgical navigation and optimized clinical workflow. 本文關鍵字:
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