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丹麥Radiometer公司推出新型血氣分析儀 【?2005-01-10 發布?】 美迪醫訊
丹麥Radiometer公司推出的新型血氣分析儀簡化了床邊檢測以及并提高了檢測可靠性。 自動化程序確保了數據精確性與調節順應性,使用兩種新型輔助設備Flexcare與Flexpac將分析儀正常運行時間最大化并簡化了總量控制。 ABL800Flex只需要95il的血液就可以檢測pH、血氣、電解質、氧以及各種代謝參數。使用視窗XP軟件的用戶界面以及幾步手工操作,使得分析儀的操作簡單直觀。因為少量樣本通常很難處理,Flexmode為操作者在盡可能情況下提供最多的參數,將浪費珍貴標本的危險降低至最小程度。 ABL800 Flex自動程序使得調節順應性與數據精確性得到了保證。操作者能夠從醫院內任何直接連接于ABL800Flex屏幕的輻射連接的分析儀中得到結果。 這節約了寶貴時間與空間,因為使用者不需要配備獨立的PC工作站。分析儀是Radiometer公司(Broenshoej, Denmark)產品。 Automated procedures help to ensure data accuracy and regulatory compliance, while two new supplementary services, Flexcare and Flexpac, maximize analyzer uptime and simplify inventory management. The ABL800 Flex can be configured to measure any combination of pH, blood gas, electrolyte, oximetry, and metabolite parameters on only 95 ìl of blood. Windows XP software, a user interface, and few manual steps make operation of the analyzer simple and intuitive. Since small capillary samples are often difficult specimens to handle, Flexmode offers the user the highest number of parameters reliably possible, minimizing the risk of losing a precious sample. Automated procedures on the ABL800 Flex make it easier to ensure regulatory compliance and data accuracy. Users can get access to patient test results from any Radiance-connected analyzer in the hospital directly on the ABL800 Flex screen. This saves valuable time and space because the user does not have to go to separate PC workstations. The analyzer is the product of Radiometer (Broenshoej, Denmark). 本文關鍵字:
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