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Maxell集團制造出醫療級的DVD 【?2005-02-24 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型醫療DVD用于影像的、依從性的以及檔案應用,改進了數據整合以及數據的壽命。MaxPro Hardcoat技術生產的增強型DVD-R介質,提供了高水平的數據保護,是現在使用的DVD檔案支架壽命的2倍。Maxell醫療DVD-R具有DICOM(醫學數字影像與通信)兼容性,產品耐刮擦、耐灰塵以及耐煙熏,而且檔案壽命延長,適合重要醫療影像、患者病例、數據備份、以及固定內容的存儲。 產品是由Maxell集團制造的,DVD-R的保護層以及延長的存檔特征使得它適合用于所有醫療儲存應用的可擦寫DVD標準,從放射科對大容量存儲的需求和心血管數字影像存檔要求,到醫療培訓和教育,以及每日更新的商業操作以及患者病例的備份。 The MaxPro Hardcoat technology produces enhanced DVD-R media that provides a high level of data protection for up to twice the archival shelf life of existing DVDs. Maxell Medical DVD-R is DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine)-compliant, and with its scratch, dust, and smudge resistance and extended archival life, it is suitable for critical medical images, patient records, backup, and fixed content storage. Manufactured by Maxell Corp. (Fair Lawn, NJ, USA), the DVD-R’s protective layer and extended archival performance makes it the suitable recordable DVD standard for the full spectrum of medical storage applications, from the large capacity requirements of radiology and cardiology digital image archiving, to medical training and educations, and to the data-to-day backup of business operations and patient records. 本文關鍵字:
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