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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > ACMI集團建立為婦科與外科服務的新機構  


【?2005-02-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊

在瞄準女性保健市場以及其它重要外科專業日益增長的機會中,ACMI集團(Southborough, MA, USA)建立了一家叫做婦科與外科專業公司(Gynecology and Surgical Specialties, GSS)的機構。


除此之外,ACMI還把銷售與市場整合成一個機構,將決策更加接近客戶,確保產品開發緊密個圍繞市場;從而使得ACMI能夠對市場需求迅速做出反應。銷售與市場部將直接向銷售與市場部副總裁Larry Hicks直接匯報,他離開Karl Storz內窺鏡之后加入了公司。

GSS副總裁兼總經理Boris Levin說:“目前有許多臨床專業,包括女性保健,正在快速發展,這些需求著重強調相關的產品與特殊的解決方案。象我們在泌尿專業所作的一樣,我們正在建立一個嶄新的婦科與重要外科專業的機構。
ACMI Creates New Business Unit
In a move to concentrate on growth opportunities in women’s health and other key surgical specialties, ACMI Corp. (Southborough, MA, USA) has created a new business unit called Gynecology and Surgical Specialties (GSS).

This new unit will focus specifically on areas of endoscopy and minimally invasive procedures where ACMI has strong clinical and technologic expertise, including gynecology, laparoscopy, and anesthesia. GSS will incorporate ACMI’s full product line of endoscopic and minimally invasive products for gynecology, general surgery, and anesthesia subspecialties. These include a broad range of flexible and rigid endoscopes, laryngoscopes, laparoscopic instruments, and fluid-management and suction-irrigation systems.

In addition, ACMI has combined sales and marketing into one organization that will drive decision-making closer to the customer, ensure that product development is closely aligned with the marketplace, and allow ACMI to quickly respond to changes in the marketplace. The sales and marketing unit will report directly to the vice president of sales and marketing, Larry Hicks, who has joined the company from Karl Storz Endoscopy.

“There are a number of clinical specialties, including women’s health, that are clearly growing and that need focused attention in terms of products and specific solutions,” stated Boris Levin, vice president and general manager of GSS. “We want to build as strong a brand name in gynecology and key surgical specialties as we currently have in urology.” ACMI sells its products in more than 70 countries around the world.

本文關鍵字: ACMI集團,婦科,外科 
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