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Oculus公司開發出消毒創面的神奇液體 【?2005-03-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型治療創面產品使用水和鹽制造,能夠殺死病毒、細菌和霉菌,沒有任何毒性副作用,能夠有助于傷口和燒傷創面愈合。 這種清潔液體叫做Microcyn,根據開發商Oculus創新科學公司(Petaluma, CA, USA)的說法,同樣能夠幫助糖尿病下肢潰瘍愈合。該產品是根據日本科學家進行的研究結果來研發的,這些科學家追溯至20世紀90年代,在核反應堆冷卻水中尋找滅菌的方法,他們使用了氯化物和水。在現在這個產品中,水被鹽所飽和然后進行電解,分離成陰性和陽性離子進入多重腔室。額外處理使得這些離子穩定,并調節其pH水平。Microcyn從處理后遺留的微量氯中獲得了抗微生物的能力。 該公司在2003年從墨西哥衛生部獲得了對Microcyn的批準,Microcyn由Andres Gutierrez醫生進行了檢測,他是墨西哥城國立康復研究院細胞治療科的主任。他發現這種液體能夠迅速清除細菌。一旦研究院得知Microcyn是無毒的,就能夠在糖尿病下肢潰瘍患者中進行測試。 Gutierrez醫生說:“我們首先發現的是在24小時內傷口散發的氣味減輕了,這在從前從來沒有發生過。” 盡管Microcyn已經在美國、歐洲和墨西哥被批準做為消毒劑,它還沒有被批準用于處理傷口 。 The clear liquid, called Microcyn, is also helping diabetic foot ulcers to heal, according to the developer, Oculus Innovative Sciences (Petaluma, CA, USA). The product is based on research conducted by Japanese scientists who were searching back in the 1990s for a method of disinfecting the cooling water in nuclear reactors, using chloride and water. In the current product, water is saturated with salt and then electrolyzed, separating the negative and positive ions into multiple chambers. Additional processing stabilizes the ions and adjusts the pH level. Microcyn gets its antimicrobial quality from the trace of chlorine that is left over after the processing. The company filed for approval of Microcyn in 2003 with the Ministry of Health in Mexico (Mexico City) and Microcyn was tested by Dr. Andres Gutierrez, who is head of the cell therapy unit of the National Institute of Rehabilitation in Mexico City. He found the liquid could quickly eradicate bacteria. Once the institute knew Microcyn was nontoxic, it was able to test Microcyn on patients with diabetic foot ulcers. “The first thing we noticed was that the odor from the wound faded away in 24 hours,” reported Dr. Gutierrez. “That had never happened before.” Although Microcyn has been cleared as a disinfectant in the United States, Europe, and Mexico, it has not yet been cleared for wound care. 本文關鍵字:
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