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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 三維超聲顯示舌部手術之后對說話的影響  


【?2005-03-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊



Toronto大學語言病理學科教授Tim Bressmann博士說:“我們利用正常說話者的數據來制作"Joe Canadian"舌頭模型。這是邁向評估不同重建技術對說話時候舌頭運動的生物機械影響的第一步?,F在我們努力確定對不同的病變部位以及程度而言什么是理想的重建方法,這樣我們就可以確保每一位患者的最佳說話效果?!?/P>

3D Ultrasound Shows Speech Effects After Tongue Surgery
New research regarding tongue shape and volume before and after surgery should help surgeons plan how best to reconstruct defects of the tongue resulting from cancer, according to scientists.

Surgeons at the University of Toronto (Canada) are the first investigators to use three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound to evaluate both normal and partially resected tongues during speech. By assessing the 3D topography of the tongue’s surface as each of 10 normal speakers made a host of sounds, the researchers were able to describe the basic processes underlying the normal workings of a tongue. This ultrasound data became the baseline to which partially resected tongues were compared. The study, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, was published in the January-February 2005 issue of the journal Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics.

“We used the data from the normal speakers to model a prototypical ‘Joe Canadian’ tongue,” reported Dr. Tim Bressmann, a professor in the department of speech-language pathology at the University of Toronto. “This is a first step toward assessing the biomechanical impact of different reconstructive techniques on tongue movement for speech. Now, we can work toward determining what the ideal method of reconstruction is for different lesion locations and extents, so that we can ensure optimum speech outcomes for every patient.”

The investigators are now gathering ultrasound findings from more tongue cancer patients to device a database for surgeons who perform partial tongue resection surgeries. “The survival rate in tongue cancer is 70 to 80%,” stated Dr. Bressmann. “Therefore, surgeons need to do a very good job because people will often live with their reconstructions for a long, long time.”

本文關鍵字: 三維超聲,舌部手術 
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