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DNAPrint公司推出法醫學領域使用的試劑盒 【?2005-03-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型測試設計用于法醫市場進行鑒別個人基因組成的比例。 這種測試叫做DNAWitness,是根據DNAPrint基因組公司(Sarasota, FL, USA)開發的技術為基礎的,該公司聲稱這種檢測是唯一具有預測功能的方法。DNAWitness法醫技術分析在犯罪現場發現的DNA,并在四個可能的法醫組織中提供生物地理組成的比例:撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲、美洲本土、東亞、印歐大陸,從而縮小調查人員正在追蹤與犯罪有聯系的潛在疑犯名單。 試劑盒包括所有世界范圍內法醫實驗室進行自己家系分析所需的試劑和方案。DNAPrint公司提供的保護的在線軟件被用于允許調查人員解釋他們的結果,將可能的疑犯DNA樣本人體測量(身體的)特征與DNAPrint公司的家系數據庫進行比較。這個試劑盒能夠在法醫實驗室和大學實驗室中常見的毛細管電泳設備上使用。 DNAPrint公司法醫學技術協調員Zach Gaskin說:“這個試劑盒將DNAPrint公司強大的法醫學檢測能力直接放到了當地犯罪現場調查人員的手中。同時這還是研究人員有價值的可以節約時間節約成本的工具,因為它減少了調查人員通常在追蹤過程中所犯的錯誤。” Testing Kit for Forensic Market Called DNAWitness, the test is based on proprietary technology developed by DNAPrint Genomics, Inc. (Sarasota, FL, USA), which states it is the only testing method available with this predictive capability. DNAWitness forensic technology analyzes DNA recovered at a crime scene and provides the percentage of bio-geographical (BGA) makeup among four possible genetic groups: Sub-Saharan Africa, Native-American, East Asian, and Indo-European, thereby narrowing the list of potential suspects that investigators are seeking in connection with a crime. The kit contains all of the reagents and protocols required for forensic laboratories around the world to perform their own ancestry analysis. Proprietary online software provided by DNAPrint is expected to enable investigators to interpret their results and relate them to the likely anthropometric (physical) features of a would-be suspect by referencing DNA samples to DNAPrint’s ancestry databases. The kit can be utilized on capillary eletrophoresis (CE) instruments commonly found in forensic and university laboratories. “This kit puts the power of DNAPrnt’s forensic technology directly into the hands of local crime-scene investigators,” stated Zach Gaskin, technical coordinator of forensics at DNAPrint. “It is also a valuable time- and cost-saving investigative tool because it reduces the number of false leads that detectives normally would have to chase.” 本文關鍵字:
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