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Archus公司治療脊椎狹窄的移植物獲得CE標簽 【?2005-03-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種獲得的脊椎骨移植物被設計用于治療脊椎狹窄,這是一種脊椎關節的退行性病變,導致脊髓神經的壓縮,產生下肢的神經癥狀。 在傳統上,脊椎狹窄的患者都接受減壓椎板切除手術,而這常常并發脊柱融合。而這種新型移植物,叫做脊椎關節成型系統(TFAS),使用假體關節移植物替代退行性病變的脊椎關節,這就恢復了脊椎穩定性和正常的脊椎運動,免除了脊椎融合的需要。這種新型系統,是有Archus Orthopedics集團(Redmond,WA, USA)研制開發的,已經獲得了CE標簽。 Archus主席兼執行總裁Jim Fitzsimmons評價說:“CE標簽對Archus公司而言是一個新的里程碑,是對這種重要的新型設備過去3年研制過程中嚴格的科研、設計、以及測試的合法確認。” Fitzsimmons主席指出:此時公司不會在歐洲全力推廣應用,“我們的最初的計劃是與一些著名的中心采取細致的、探索性途徑來積累這種設備的臨床應用經驗?!?BR> Traditionally, patients with spinal stenosis undergo decompressive laminectomy surgery, which is often accompanied by spine fusion. The new implant, called Total Facet Arthroplasty System (TFAS), replaces the degenerative facet joints with a prosthetic joint implant that restores stability and normal motion to the spine, eliminating the need for fusion. The new system, developed by Archus Orthopedics, Inc. (Redmond,WA, USA) has received the CE Mark. “The CE Mark is a significant milestone for Archus and a clear validation of the rigorous research, design, and testing activities completed over the last three years to develop this important new device,” remarked Jim Fitzsimmons, chairman and CEO of Archus. Chariman Fitzsimmons indicated that the company will not pursue a full-scale launch of the TFAS in Europe at this time. “Initially, our plan is to take a careful, investigational approach with a few prominent centers and accumulate clinical experience with the device.” 本文關鍵字:
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