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PPTI公司開發出防止泄漏的外科密封劑 【?2005-03-28 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種新型外科密封劑設計用于防止肺臟、胃腸道、以及心血管外科手術后氣體和液體的泄漏。 手術后的氣體和液體泄漏是一種常見并發癥,經常導致進一步的手術。新型密封劑應用于手術縫合或者留管處周圍的組織。使用簡單的雙重注射器將密封劑噴霧到切口處。在不到一分鐘的時間內,一種堅固而有彈性的屏障即可形成,并緊緊黏附于需要修補的組織上。當組織愈合之后,密封劑就組建別吸收。這種密封劑是由Protein Polymer技術集團(PPTI, San Diego, CA, USA)研制開發的。 總執行官兼總裁Donald S.Kaplan說:“這種新產品的卓越表現我們公司核心組織黏附工藝商業持續不斷開發的一個令人興奮的里程碑。我們產品研制開發團隊的成就清晰地證明了這種工藝廣泛的應用前景。” PPTI是蛋白質設計與合成方面的先鋒,制造了許多獲得的生物物質,用于開發具有生物活性的設備。這些基因工程改造的生物物質是高分子量的蛋白質,經過處理成為具有生理和生物特性的產品,用于定制滿足特殊臨床需求。 Air and fluid leaks following surgery are a common source of complications that often lead to further surgery. The new sealant is applied following closure of tissues with sutures or staples. The sealant is sprayed over the incision by a simple dual-syringe applicator. In less than a minute, a tough, flexible barrier is formed that strongly adheres to the tissue being repaired. As the tissue heals, the sealant gradually resorbs. The sealant was developed by Protein Polymer Technologies, Inc. (PPTI, San Diego, CA, USA). “The performance demonstrated with this new product is an exciting milestone in the continuing commercial development of our core tissue adhesive technology,” said Donald S. Kaplan, Ph.D., president and chief operating officer. “The accomplishments of our product development team clearly demonstrate the breadth of capabilities of this technology.” PPTI has been a pioneer in protein design and synthesis, creating an extensive portfolio of proprietary biomaterials for use in the development of bioactive devices. These genetically engineered biomaterials are high-molecular-weight proteins, processed into products with physical and biologic characteristics tailored to specific clinical performance requirements. 本文關鍵字:
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