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第一種用于遠端橈骨-尺關節(這個關節位于前臂長骨腕關節之間)完全置換的假體,已經在西班牙MAZ醫院(Zaragosa, Spain)的1例患者手術中進行了移植,該手術設計用于為腕關節疼痛患者提供力量和靈活性。

這項移植手術是由Luis R.Scheker醫生完成的,他是Duke大學醫學中心(Durham, NC, USA)外科助理臨床教授,也是手外科的權威醫生。這種關節置換是一種基于“模”的假體、半強制性的、未膠結的。它能夠支持并穩定尺骨末端的遠端橈骨,增加了重復功能和舒適度,這與以前使用的治療方法不同。這種假體是由Aptis醫學公司和Scheker醫生研制開發并獲得了。


Prosthesis Alleviates Wrist
The first prosthesis for total replacement of the distal radio-ulnar joint, the joint between the long bones of the forearm in the wrist area, has been implanted in a patient in Hospital MAZ (Zaragosa, Spain), in a procedure designed to offer strength and mobility to wrist-pain sufferers.

The implant procedure was conducted by pioneering hand surgeon Dr. Luis R. Scheker, assistant clinical professor of surgery at Duke University Medical Center (Durham, NC, USA. The joint replacement is a modular prosthesis, semi-constrained and uncemented. It supports and stabilizes the distal radius at the end of the ulna and adds reproducible function and comfort, unlike previously available treatments. The prosthesis was developed and patented by Aptis Medical (Louisville, KY, USA) and Dr. Scheker.

“There is great need for pain-free range of motion and improved lifting capacity of the forearm,” noted Dr. Scheker. “In my research, I have worked with wrist and forearm pain sufferers and have watched patients regain strength with this new prosthesis. My patients are now able to complete simple tasks such as pouring a glass of milk or opening doors and personal hygiene that they were previously not able to perform. Over time, as their mobility returns, they are able to take on chores such as heavier lifting and to return to their jobs.”

The prosthesis has received the CE Mark and has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

本文關鍵字: Aptis,橈尺關節,假體 
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