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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Varian公司的鼻咽癌短距離放射治療涂藥器面世  


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一種新型短距離放射治療系統使得鼻咽癌治療變得更加精確而且靈活方便。這套鼻咽涂藥器是由Varian(Palo Alto, CA, USA)研制開發的,設計用于把局部放射治療輸送到上喉部區域。

Varian公司放射治療部主任兼腫瘤系統部副總裁William Hyatt說:“這種涂藥器能夠準確而靈活地將較大放射劑量輸送到鼻咽癌組織,而把附屬關鍵結構比如腦干接觸的放射劑量降低到了最小。”


Brachytherapy Nasopharynx Applicator Set
A new brachytherapy system enables more accurate and flexible treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer. The Nasopharynx applicator set, developed by Varian Medical Systems (Palo Alto, CA, USA), has been designed for the delivery of localized radiation therapy in the upper throat region.

“This applicator offers an accurate and flexible way of achieving higher doses to nasopharyngeal tumors while delivering minimal dose to adjacent critical structures such as the brain stem,” said William Hyatt, vice president of Oncology Systems Operation and head of Varian’s BrachyTherapy business unit.

Suitable for use in the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal regions, the set is computed tomography (CT)- and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-compatible, and will typically be utilized in combination with external beam radiotherapy. The system is made up of two soft and transparent plastic ear, nose, and throat mold probes with two very soft guidance tubes that can be fed through the nasal cavity without damaging the mucous membranes. It also has an expandable balloon for easy fixation regardless of variations in the patient’s anatomy.

High-dose-rate brachytherapy is a recognized treatment option for cancer of the nasopharynx, but has previously been hampered by the lack of a suitable treatment catheter. “It’s the only dual channel device of its type to incorporate an expandable balloon for optimal fixation and source placement,” remarked Mr. Hyatt.

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