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美國西北大學發明新型踝關節置換手術 【?2005-04-14 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據該領域的一位專家的說法:一種創新的踝關節置換手術使用簡單的設備來保存功能以及減輕疼痛,比踝關節融合術療效更好, 西北大學Feinberg醫學院臨床整型外科助理教授、Evanston西北醫療保健博士Steven Haddad醫生解釋說:“由于損傷或者退行性病變導致嚴重踝關節炎的患者之中,置換手術相對踝關節而言是一個巨大進步,產生巨大利益。” Haddad醫生是踝關節置換手術領域的領先者。“例如,踝關節融合術實際上通過聯結組成關節的三塊骨頭(小腿的脛骨、腓骨與足部的距骨)來閉鎖了踝關節。隨著時間的推移,會導致關節僵硬以及活動受限,相臨關節會患上關節炎。” 在近期的兩項置換手術中,Haddad醫生從踝關節的前面進入損傷關節,去除將踝關節固定在一起的螺絲釘和骨板,然后植入一種叫做Agility踝關節的設備。這就將踝關節的三塊骨頭聯結在一起,創造出一種平滑導向的機制,將患者體重平均分配在這些骨頭上。置換踝關節壽命大約為15年,這與髖關節和膝關節置換設備相似。 接受這項置換手術的Barbara Pulfiser說 :“盡管我盡量把對我踝關節的壓力降至最小,避免諸如慢跑之類的活動,但是我現在又能夠享受自己的興趣愛好以及積極的生活方式。” “In patients with severe arthritis in their ankle(s) due to injury or degenerative conditions, replacement surgery is a dramatic improvement over traditional ankle fusion and offers important benefits,” explained Steven Haddad, M.D., of Evanston Northwestern Healthcare and assistant professor of clinical orthopedic surgery at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine (Chicago, IL, USA). Dr. Haddad is a pioneer in the field of ankle replacement surgery. “For instance, ankle fusion actually locks the ankle by joining the three bones that make up the joint (the tibia and fibula in the lower leg and the talus in the foot),” said Dr. Haddad. “Over time, this causes stiffness and limited mobility, and adjacent joints may become arthritic.” In a recent replacement surgery for two ankles, Dr. Haddad approached each injured ankle from the front of the joint, removed the screws and plates that held each ankle together, and embedded a device called the Agility ankle. This linked the three bones of the ankle joint and created a smooth-guiding mechanism that distributes a patient’s body weight equally among these bones. Replacement ankles have a longevity of about 15 years, which is similar to hip and knee replacement devices. “Although I have to minimize repetitive stress on my ankles and I avoid activities like jogging, I’m free to enjoy my interests and active lifestyle once again,” said Barbara Pulfiser, who had the replacement surgery. “Amazingly, my scars are only a few inches long.” 本文關鍵字:
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