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法科學家發現:透析會增加氧化應激 【?2005-05-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊
根據一項最新研究發現:許多透析患者一直處于由透析治療引起的慢性炎癥狀態,透析治療增加了氧化應激,這種狀態與遠期并發癥相關,例如心血管疾病、營養不良、預后不良以及存活率較低. 氧化應激是毒性產物與機體防御機制之間失去平衡的結果.在透析過程中發病率很高,氧化應激被認為與終末期腎臟疾病患者許多不良并發癥相關.這種不平衡是由于反應性氧基團或者毒性產物生成過多,以及抗氧化劑缺乏不足以對抗這些毒素.血液透析過程能夠導致這些必須抗毒素的喪失. "通過提高血液透析系統的生物適應性以防止反應性氧基團生成十分重要."Jean-Paul Cristol醫生指出.他是這項研究的通訊作者,法國Lapeyronie大學醫院生化科主任.這項研究成果發表在2005年3月30日出版的《國際血液透析》雜志上. 通過特異或者非特異藥物來增加抗毒素并調控反應性氧基團,是該篇論文中指出的可能解決方案.作者指出:糾正氧基團的不平衡是防止長期血透患者并發癥的基本前提,而且是很有前景的研究途徑.【本文由美迪醫療網成揚編譯】 Oxidative stress (OS) is the result of an imbalance between toxic compounds and defense mechanisms. Prevalent in the dialysis process, it has been linked to numerous adverse complications in end-stage renal disease patients. The imbalance is caused by the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), or toxic compounds, and the lack of antioxidants to fight these toxins. The hemodialysis process can cause loss of these necessary antitoxins. “It is important to prevent reactive oxygen species production by improving the biocompatibility of the hemodialysis system,” observed Dr. Jean-Paul Cristol, M.D., corresponding author of the study and head of the biochemistry department at Lapeyronie University Hospital (Montpellier, France). The study was published in the March 30, 2005, issue of Hemodialysis International. Antioxidant supplement and ROS modulation by specific or nonspecific drugs, such as statins, are possible solutions outlined in the article. “Correction of OS imbalance appears to be a basic requisite to prevent complications in long-term dialysis patients” and is “a promising avenue of research,” said the authors. 本文關鍵字:
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