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ParAllele公司推出檢測SNPs的新產品 【?2005-05-20 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種具有20000種非同義單核苷酸多態性(SNPs)的檢測面板現在可以用于人類基因分型的研究。 這種檢測面板由美國ParAllele基因分型服務公司提供,以前只有10000種SNPs。這次擴大的編碼SNP面板代表了能夠編碼氨基酸變化的SNPs基因,而據信這對基因型會產生最大的影響。這種面板是使用了該公司的分子倒位探針來研制開發的,將產生高水平多元化改變,而這對基因分型是必不可少的。這種最新面板還包括那些從ParAllele中經過篩選的超過25000種以前未經證實的SNPs。最終的經過選擇的擴大SNP面板,能夠從3個種族人群超過8百萬基因型的300個個體進行基因分型。 ParAllele的研究主任、共同創始人Malek Farhem博士說:“這種擴大至20000種完全證實的非同義SNPs,不僅是一種符合成本/效益比的途徑,能夠進行完整的基因分析,而且具有具有極高的決定性意義,因為我們選擇用于這種測試面板的SNPs是那些與功能性反應最相關的。” 該公司的產品與服務使用那些具有決定性意義生化過程的多元化途徑,而不是復雜的設備去發現分析的人類基因組變化。 The assay panel, from ParAllele Genotyping Services (So. San Francisco, CA, USA), formerly had only 10,000 SNPs. This enlarged coding SNP panel represents genes with SNPs that code for amino acid changes, which are those believed to have the biggest impact on phenotype. The panel was developed by using the company’s molecular inversion probes, which result in extremely high levels of multiplexing, essential for genotyping demands. This latest panel also includes some of those selected by ParAllele from > 25,000 previously unvalidated SNPS. The final SNP panel selection for the enlarged panel was achieved by genotyping around 300 individuals from three ethnic populations accounting for > 8 million genotypes. “This panel enlarged to 20,000 fully validated non-synonymous SNPs not only represents a cost-effective way of achieving whole genome analysis but has the potential of an extremely high payoff, since the SNPs that we have selected for this assay panel represent those most likely to be associated with a functional response,” said Malek Farhem, M.D., Ph.D., co-founder and director of research at ParAllele. The company’s products and services utilize a multiplexed approach that leverages novel biochemical processes rather than complex instrumentation to discover and analyze minute variations in the human genome. 本文關鍵字:
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