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Siemens公司開發出電化學生物芯片診斷系統 【?2005-06-09 發布?】 美迪醫訊
一種分子診斷系統在日常臨床診斷中可以進行快速檢測,以電信號的形式提供信息,使得這種方法更加迅速、強大而且操作簡單,比當前使用的光學檢測方法具有更好的成本效益比。 因為這種新系統適合DNA以及蛋白質的檢測,具有更加廣泛的應用范圍:檢測感染性疾病的病毒、過敏原、遺傳性疾病,與藥物相關或者移植相關的不兼容性。當前,這類檢測方法只能在大型實驗室中進行,必須使用昂貴而復雜的分析系統,而且頗費時日,需要數日才能夠出結果。 這種新型芯片上的實驗室系統-Quicklab的研制開發,是由西門子公司從Infineon技術公司移植而來的。這種移植包括、高科技芯片實驗室以及懂得硅生物芯片制造的專家。西門子公司的任務是將Quicklab系統成功的推向市場。整套分析系統整合在一張智能卡上,為臨床診斷中提供了復雜而性價比很好的檢測方法。 在2004年,Siemens公司、Fraunhofer硅工藝研究院和Infineon公司因為聯合開發了這套生物芯片系統而獲得了德國未來獎金。 Since the new system is suitable for both DNA as well as proteins, it can be used for a broad spectrum of applications: to detect viruses of infectious diseases, allergies, hereditary diseases, and incompatibilities with respect to medications or transplantations. Currently, tests of this kind are performed in large laboratories with complex analytic systems that are expensive as well as time-consuming, requiring several days to provide results. The development of Quicklab, the new lab-on-a-chip system, has been transferred to Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany) from Infineon Technologies (Munich, Germany). The transfer involved patents, a high-tech biochip lab, and experts with the know-how of silicon biochip manufacture. The task of Siemens is to bring Quicklab to market maturity. The entire analysis system is integrated on a smart card and provides the basis for comprehensive and cost-effective analysis methods in clinical diagnostics. In 2004, the joint development of this biochip technology by Siemens, the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology (Munich, Germany), and Infineon Technologies received the German Future Prize. /**/本文關鍵字:
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