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【?2005-06-25 發布?】 美迪醫訊




Spiral生物科技公司產品經理Anthony Pappas指出:“這種高效、高通量設備十分適合在食品檢測實驗室中用于檢測大腸桿菌和李斯特菌,在藥理學實驗室檢測血瓊脂中的肺炎鏈球菌。全部培養皿分析時間少于1秒鐘,包括菌落群落重疊計數,一個實驗室每個小時能夠很容易的處理與計數400個培養皿。”
Color Bacterial Colony Counter
A colony-counter system provides rapid, color bacterial colony screening without the cost of purchasing color-differentiated counting systems.

The Color QCount unit incorporates a high-resolution, digital charged-coupled device (CCD) camera and advanced software to identify and colorize even the most-difficult bacterial strains to count, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria species. Other instrument features include innovative lighting configuration that assures uniform illumination and enhanced colony contrast, and patented advanced image analysis that detects colonies by examining subtle shifts in colony or cluster tone.

Autothresholding software automatically determines the threshold of agar background color, while editing capability saves each plate image in a database for printing or re-analysis. Color QCount is the product of Spiral Biotech (Norwood, MA, USA), a subsidiary of Advanced Instruments, Inc.

“This high-performance, high-throughput instrument is ideally suited for food-testing laboratories counting Escherichia coli and Listeria, and for pharmaceutical labs detecting Strep pneumo on blood agar,” noted Anthony Pappas, product manager, Spiral Biotech. ‘With total plate analysis time, including overlapping colony clusters, of less than one second, a laboratory can easily process and count up to 400 plates per hour.”

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