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Varian公司開發急診科使用的藥物濫用檢測方法 【?2005-07-13 發布?】 美迪醫訊
OnTrak TesTcard 9能夠定性篩查下述尿液中的藥物:安非他明、巴比妥酸鹽、苯二氮、可卡因、脫氧麻黃堿、嗎啡、苯環己哌啶、四氫大麻酚、三環抗抑郁藥。這種一步法檢測不需要對試劑進行混合、定時、孵育或者特殊處理。對這九種藥物的檢測結果在3~5分鐘之內就可以得出,開發商聲稱比同類競爭產品快3倍。除此之外,這些檢測結果在長達6小時的時間內保持穩定。 這種檢測方法是美國Varian公司的產品。Varian公司消費產品部副總裁兼總經理Stephen Schultheis指出:“TesTcard 9為我們提供機會,將我們的床邊診斷產品從犯罪鑒定和現場應用擴大到了臨床應用。這種臨床POC應用對Varian公司而言是一種令人鼓舞的新機會,因為我們可以評估產品和新技術未來的發展,這將會為拓展我們公司當前的藥物濫用檢測的應用范圍。” Test to Detect Drugs of Abuse in ED The OnTrak TesTcard 9 provides a qualitative screen for the presence of amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methamphetamines, morphine, phencyclidine (PCP), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) in urine. The single-step test requires no reagent mixing, timing, incubation, or special handling. Results for all nine drugs are available in three to five minutes, which the developer notes is three times faster than competitive tests. In addition, test results are stable for up to six hours. The test is the product of Varian, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA, USA). “TesTcard 9 affords us the opportunity to expand our point-of-care tests beyond criminal justice and workplace applications by opening the doors to clinical applications,” stated Stephen Schultheis, vice president and general manager, consumable products, Varian. “This clinical POC application is an exciting new opportunity for Varian as we assess future developments with products and new technologies which will move us further outside our current drugs-of-abuse applications.” /**/本文關鍵字:
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