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Respironics公司的家用通氣支持系統 【?2005-07-17 發布?】 美迪醫訊
The BiPAP S/T system offers a simple user interface and an integrated humidifier for easier set-up and management. It is the first noninvasive device to combine the BiPap technology of Respironics, Inc. (Murrysville, PA, USA; www.respironics.com) with the company’s SmartCard for use with Encore Pro. Other features include digital Auto-Trak Sensitivity, adjustable RiseTime, and integrated alarms. Digital Auto-Trak Sensitivity is a feature that helps to recognize and compensate for unintentional and intentional leaks in a noninvasive system and automatically adjusts to maintain optimum performance. Integrating the BiPAP S/T with the Encore Pro with SmartCard offers detailed compliance data to help doctors understand a patient’s usage and adherence to treatment. “The BiPAP S/T combines a simple design with sophisticated features that benefit both patients and clinicians,” observed Cheryl Needham, product manager, home ventilation, Homecare Division, Respironics. “Our Digital Auto-Trak features helps to improve a patient’s comfort while use with our SmartCard and Encore Pro helps clinicians gather and manage more accurate data.” The Homecare Division of Respironics provides products for sleep disorders, chronic respiratory problems, and neonatal and pediatric care. /**/本文關鍵字:
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