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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Ventria公司推出植物來源的細胞培養基  


【?2005-08-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊





“我們對Lacromin的這些結果感到十分鼓舞。”Ventria生物科學公司研究與開發部副總裁Ning Huang如此評論。Huang先生2005年7月在堪薩斯市舉行的“哺乳動物細胞培養產品原材料和一次性處理系統大會”上介紹了Lacromin。“在今天的會議上,我報道的結果顯示:與動物來源的轉鐵蛋白相比較,Lacromin能夠顯著增加抗體的產量。”

Plant-Derived Culture Media
A new plant-derived recombinant growth factor for cell culture media promotes productivity and safety.

Called Lacromin, the growth factor is a recombinant human lactoferrin derived from plants, which outperforms transferrin, a common animal-derived growth factor. Lacromin is the product of Ventria Bioscience (Sacramento, CA, USA).

Lacromin is a strong growth factor that has promoted cell growth in many cell lines, including Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and mouse hybridoma cells. The growth factor also promotes higher cell density and reduces cell doubling time when compared to transferrin. Since Lacromin is derived from plants, it is free of any viral or prion containment risks. In hybriderma cells, Lacromin increased IgG productivity by 50% compared to transferrin and by 6% compared to fetal bovine serum (FBS).

“We are very encouraged by the positive results we have generated on Lacromin,” said Ning Huang, vice president of research and development, Ventria Bioscience. Mr. Huang introduced Lacromin at the Raw Materials and Disposable Process Systems for Mammalian Cell Culture Products Conference in Kansas City (MO, USA) in July 2005. “At the conference today, I presented results showing Lacromin significantly increased the productivity of antibody production when compared with animal-derived transferrin.”

The company will market Lacromin to companies seeking a serum-free and animal component-free cell culture media source.

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