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LDR公司開發出部分椎體替代系統 (PVBRs) 【?2005-08-16 發布?】 美迪醫訊
部分椎體替代系統(PVBRs)是由一組神經病學和整形外科醫生研制開發的,用以解決當前退行性脊椎疾病治療不盡如人意之處。 這套MC+和ROI系統設計獨特,為外科醫生提供了廣闊的移植區域,這十分重要,可以在椎骨終板最強大區域的承重面放置移植物。這兩種系統在設計、材料、安裝設備以及使用的方便程度上都具有許多不同之處。 這兩套系統都獲得了美國食品藥品管理局的許可。這些系統都是由法國的LDR醫療公司研制開發的,得到了外科醫生的強力支持。迄今為止,這些產品已經在超過3000例的手術中獲得了成功應用。在美國這兩套系統都是由LDR的美國銷售伙伴LDR脊柱公司進行銷售。 LDR脊柱公司總裁兼首席執行官Steve Whitlock說:“這兩套系統得到了外科學界的廣泛認可,因為其簡便易用。我們是唯一的脊柱產品公司,可以定制并消毒我們的產品。盡管整個關節市場長期以來就從事這項業務,但是我們是唯一的進行定制和銷售脊柱關節產品的公司。” The MC+ and ROI systems feature a unique design that provides surgeons with a large grafting area--an important feature that enables placement of the implants--and weight-bearing surfaces on the strongest areas of the vertebral endplate. The two systems offer many areas of differentiation in their design, material, instrumentation, and ease of use. Both systems have been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The systems were developed in France by LDR Medical (Troyes, France) with strong surgeon involvement. To date, they have been successfully used in more than 3,000 procedures. Both systems will be distributed in the United States by LDR’s U.S. distribution partner, LDR Spine (Austin, TX, USA). “Both systems have been well received by the surgeon community because of their simplified instrumentation,” said Steve Whitlock, president and CEO of LDR Spine. “We are the only spine company to individually package and sterilize our products. While the total joint market has long employed this approach, it is only a matter of time before all spine companies’ products are also packaged and delivered this way.” /**/本文關鍵字:
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