首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 威爾士科學家發現水仙花可以治療早老性癡呆 |
威爾士科學家發現水仙花可以治療早老性癡呆 【?2005-09-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
在東威爾士的Black山區茁壯成長的某些特定種類的水仙花,可以產生加蘭他敏,這種藥物可以減輕記憶喪失的癥狀。Cardiff大學的制造工程中心,與威爾士大學的草原與環境研究學院合作,正在幫助將農業水仙花開發成為藥用植物。 該中心正在提供從田野中收獲到具有藥理作用產品上市方面全方位的支持。這包括改造植物的生長,是它們每年生長超過一次,以及幫助種植者在最合適的時候收獲植物。 制造工程中心的市場部主任Frank Marsh指出:“加蘭他敏具有重大的投資價值,而且威爾士山區農場的潛能巨大。獲益將是極其廣泛的,而并不僅僅是對威爾士的生物科學和制藥工業帶來利益。”
Certain daffodil species, which thrive in the Black Mountains of eastern Wales, produce galanthamine, a drug designed to alleviate loss-of-memory symptoms. The Manufacturing Engineering Center of Cardiff University (Wales, UK;) is helping to develop the agricultural potential of the daffodil as a medicinal plant, along with the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research at the University of Wales, Aberystwyh (UK). The center is providing support ranging from harvesting in the field to marketing the pharmaceutical product. This includes assisting with the science of developing crops more than once a year and helping growers to assess when is the best time to harvest the crop. “Galanthamine has major investment potential,” stated Frank Marsh, marketing director of the Manufacturing Engineering Center. “Furthermore, the potential for Welsh hill farms is huge. The benefits are extensive, not only to Welsh bioscience and the pharmaceutical industry. /**/本文關鍵字:
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