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西門子公司推出外科手術使用的移動C臂 【?2005-09-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這種叫做Arcadis Avantic 的C臂是由西門子醫療公司研制開發的,最近獲得了美國食品藥品管理局的許可。 這種C臂的特征包括:20kW最大250mA的輸出和13英寸圖像增強器,可以生成更大的觀察視野。新設計特征降低了重量,對覆蓋區域(footprint)的需求降低,這兩個特點對操作室都是至關重要的。一個緊湊的轉動操作面板配有符合人體工程學的手柄和顏色標記區分的控制閘以及控制元件,確保系統能夠很方便的移動和操作。 西門子手術和泌尿科學高級主任Roby Trierweiler說:“系統重量較輕覆蓋區域較小,以及高能和大的觀察視野,使得Arcadis Avantic成為一種能夠高效率移動的C臂,具有更高的臨床靈活性,十分有利于外科手術。除此之外,其廣泛的應用范圍能夠滿足多種需求目的,能夠在醫院不同科室不同學科使用。” 這種C臂提供了簡單直觀的特殊應用程序的選擇,應用虛擬患者解剖(VPA)獲得最佳圖像質量,幾乎無限制的進行圖像記錄和存檔。這套系統配備了數字圖像鏈能夠生成和控制所有圖像資料,獲取的用于記錄的圖像清晰度為1024 x 1024象素。這種C臂有望在2005年9月投入使用。 Surgical Mobile C-Arm The Arcadis Avantic C-arm, developed by Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany), has recently been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This C-arm’s features include 20 kW with up to 250 mA output, and a 13-inch image intensifier, which results in a generous field of view. The new design features reduce weight and smaller footprint requirements, both of which are crucial in the operating room (OR). A compact, swiveling operating panel with ergonomically shaped handles as well as color-coded brake and control elements enable easy system movement and operation. “The light-weight design and small footprint, combined with high power and large field of view, makes the Arcadis Avantic a highly efficient mobile C-arm, resulting in higher clinical flexibility and expedient surgical procedures,” said Roby Trierweiler, senior director, Surgery and Urology, Siemens Medical Solutions. “In addition, the wide range of applications enables a multipurpose and shared use of different departments and disciplines in the hospital.” The C-arm provides an easy and intuitive selection of application-specific programs with Virtual Patient Anatomy (VPA) for optimal image quality and virtually boundless possibilities for documentation and archiving. The system is equipped with a digital imaging chain that generates and manages all image data at a resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels from acquisition to documentation. The C-arm is expected to be ready for delivery in September 2005. /**/本文關鍵字:
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