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荷蘭Kreatch公司推出新型核酸標記試劑盒 【?2005-09-02 發布?】 美迪醫訊
完整的標記試劑盒包括通用純化柱能夠確保完全去除未反應的染料,并進行高質量的樣本修復,而無論片段長度。ULS被進行工程改造,在實驗方案之間與實驗方案內部,提供能夠高度復制的標記密度,而無需使用可能會導致偏性的酶。盡管是設計用于FISH的,但是標記反應同樣可以用于Norhtern印跡、Southern印跡、條帶印跡、點印跡雜交,以及組織分析。 ULS核酸標記是一種一步法操作,只需要30分鐘。“PlatinumBright試劑盒的最終使用者能夠非常簡單、迅速而且可重復的標記核酸,只要他們能夠想到的實驗。”Kreatch生物工程公司(Amsterdam, The Netherlands; www.kreatech.com)商業應用部總經理、副總裁Brent Keller說。在今年的早些時候,該公司還投放了使用相同染料的一系列標記試劑盒,用于基因芯片(微陣列)對比基因組雜交分析的基因組DNA的直接標記。 Novel Nucleic Acid Labeling Kits The complete labeling kits include unique purification columns that ensure the complete removal of unreacted dye while yielding very high sample recovery, independent of fragment length. The ULS has been engineered to provide very reproducible labeling densities, both inter- and intra-experimental protocols, without the use of enzymes that can cause biases. While designed for FISH applications, the labeling reaction can also be used in Northern blot, Southern blot, spot blot, and dot blot hybridizations as well as with tissue arrays. ULS labeling of nucleic acids is a one-step procedure that takes only 30 minutes. “End users using PlatinumBright kits can now very easily, quickly, and reproducibly label nucleic acids for whatever application they can think of,” observed Brent Keller, general manager/vice president, commercial operations, for Kreatech Biotechnology B.V. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands; www.kreatech.com). Earlier this year, the company also launched a line of labeling kits with the same dye pairs for the direct labeling of genomic DNA for microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis. /**/本文關鍵字:
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