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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > Eizo公司新型醫療液晶影像監視器9月全球上市  


【?2005-09-05 發布?】 美迪醫訊


每一種顏色(RGB)都由10位色彩輸入兼容支持,能夠同時最多展示1,064,330,000顏色,產生非常清晰的適合三維顏色展示以及影像融合圖像。RadiForce R31監視器,是由美國Eizo Nanao公司研制開發的,將于2005年9月在全球上市。

Eizo公司將RadiForce R31作為完整醫療影像監視器系統的附加設備,從5mp~1mp單色監視器和彩色顯示器。所有的RadiFroce監視器都是醫學數字圖像于通信校正的,特別適合醫療工業的多層圖像展示需求,具有制圖板和高級質量控制軟件,能夠產生清晰一致的圖像。

這種R31具有RadForce R22型號2百萬象素監視器的所有特點。配備了Eizo公司捆綁的專門用于醫療系統的ScreenManager Pro軟件,IIS能夠用于任何特殊領域的影像,能夠調節和預設置成各種灰度和亮度。
Medical Imaging Monitor
A new 3-megapixel liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor has been developed for computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) applications, and three-dimensional (3D) rendering.

Each color (RGB) is supported with a 10-bit color input compatibility, which displays up-to 1,064,330,000 colors simultaneously, providing a very clear image suitable for 3D color-rendering and image fusion images. The RadiForce R31 monitor, developed by Eizo Nanao Technologies Inc. (Cypress, CA, USA), is scheduled for worldwide availability in September 2005.

Eizo offers the RadiForce R31 as an addition to a complete medical imaging monitor system, ranging from 5 mp to 1 mp monochrome and color monitors. All RadiForce monitors are digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM)-calibrated, suitable particularly for the multi-faceted imaging display demands of the healthcare industry, with a choice of graphics boards and sophisticated quality control software for clear and consistent image quality results.

The R31 contains all the features and capabilities of the RadiForce 2 megapixel color monitor R22. With Eizo’s bundled software ScreenManager Pro for Medical installed, the IIS function allows for any specific area of an image to be adjusted and pre-set to various grayscale gradations and luminance levels.

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