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Draeger公司開發出心肺狀態遠程獲取工具套件 【?2005-09-19 發布?】 美迪醫訊
高危患者病情惡化迅速,因此針對病情作出快速反應十分關鍵。在特定情況下,醫生需要隨時獲取患者的信息。這種新系統允許監護人員在任何地方任何時候獲取這種信息,只要在醫院內部局域網范圍內。 這套組合套件包括無限網關套件,該套件能夠提供從無限患者監測器和Evita呼吸機輸出生命體征和通氣狀況資料的工具;無限袖珍WinView,能夠幫助醫生在手持設備上觀察患者情況;無限WebViewer,幫助從任何PC機上實時清除生命體征和通氣資料;無限ChartAssist,用于重癥監護室的電子信息系統。 2005年8月在Buenos Aires舉行的世界重癥監護醫學世界聯盟的國際會議上,Draeger公司介紹了這種工具套件。Draeger是Draegerwerk公司和Siemens公司聯合投資的公司。 Remote Access to Cardiopulmonary Status High acuity patients can deteriorate rapidly, and a speedy response is critical. In certain situations, doctors need to obtain patient information regardless of where they are at the moment. The new system enables caregivers to obtain this information wherever and whenever they need it, within the limits of the hospital intranet. Components of the integrated suite include the Infinity gateway suite, which provides the tools to export vital signs and ventilation data from Infinity patient monitors and Evita ventilators; the Infinity pocket WinView, which enables doctors to see patient information on a handheld device; the Infinity WebViewer, which enables real-time remove viewing of vital signs and ventilation data on any PC; and the Infinity ChartAssist, an electronic information system for the intensive care unit (ICU). The suite was introduced at the World Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine in Buenos Aires in August 2005 by Draeger Medical AG & Co. (Lubeck, Germany). Draeger is a joint-venture company between Draegerwerk AG and Siemens AG (Erlangen, Germany). /**/本文關鍵字:
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