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  首頁 > 美迪醫訊 > 意大利研究人員發現影響LAGB治療肥胖癥的遺傳因素  


【?2005-09-30 發布?】 美迪醫訊



研究人員評估了近期接受LAGB治療的167例肥胖患者的成功之處。每例患者都接受特定基因變異、或者單個核苷的多態性,從而確定接受這種外科手術治療患者體重減輕的因素。在隨訪6個月之后,G-174G IL6基因型受試者比G-174C或者C-174G基因型受試者體重下降的更多,A-866A UCP2基因型比G-866G或者G-866A基因型體重下降更多。這些結果顯示,遺傳因素確實影響體重的調節和維持。

Genetic Impact on Gastro Surgery
A study has found that genetics play a role in the regulation and maintenance of body weight and may also help determine a patient’s response to laparoscopic adjustable gastric binding (LAGB).

Until now, doctors have not known whether genetic factors affected a patient’s response to LAGB, a type of surgery for obesity that entails placing an inflatable band around the upper stomach to create a small gastric pouch that limits food consumption and creates a feeling of fullness.

Researchers evaluated the success of 167 morbidly obese patients who had recently undergone LAGB. Each was evaluated for specific genetic variants, or single nucleotide polymorphisms, to see how each affected weight loss following this type of surgery. After six months of follow-up, subjects with a G-174G IL6 genotype lost more weight than subjects with a G-174C or C-174G genotype, while subjects with an A-866A UCP2 genotype lost more weight than subjects with a G-866G or G-866A genotype. The findings show that genetics do influence the regulation and maintenance of body weight.

The researchers, from the department of clinical and experimental medicine, University of Magna-Graecia in Catanzaro (Italy), suggest that genes may also play a role in the success of a subject’s response to LAGB. Their findings were reported in the September 2005 issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

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