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Medwave公司推出新型血壓檢測設備 【?2005-11-08 發布?】 美迪醫訊
這項關于Vasotrac的研究在波士頓兒童醫院(MA, USA)由Mary E. McCann醫生和同事完成的。他們最終得出結論說:“接受接收麻醉的正常血壓兒童,在平臥狀態下和藥物誘導的低血壓狀態下,Vasotrac系統與動脈內血壓檢查的結果高度相關。” 根據這些研究結果,研究人員認為Vasotrac系統是常規手術患者袖帶式和直接動脈血壓檢查設備的可靠替代選擇。Vasotrac是Medwave公司(Danvers, MA, USA; www.medwave.com)的產品。該公司已經在美國、歐洲和亞洲獲得了法律許可將該技術推向市場。幾種新產品已經在全球超過500家醫院和診所中安裝使用。 在以前一例兒童患者因充血性心衰接受手術報道中,研究人員證實Vasotrac檢查結果與直接動脈血壓監測結果的一致性,但是當時比較的是心臟手術后狀態穩定的患者。新檢查比較的是接受脊柱側突手術的兒童,血壓波動范圍較廣、手術失血以及不同患者體位等的多種情況。 Medwave公司總裁兼首席執行官Tim O’Malley說:“我們研究了關于我們技術的正在投稿和已經公布的在兒童患者、肥胖患者和急診科患者中使用我們系統的研究資料,迄今為止所有已經完成的研究都提示我們的檢查技術表現十分良好。” Alternative Blood Pressure System The study on Vasotrac was conducted at the Children’s Hospital of Boston (MA, USA) by Mary E. McCann, M.D. and colleagues. Their collective conclusion stated that “Our data suggest that the Vasotrac system correlates closely with intra-arterial blood pressure monitoring in anesthetized children under normotensive conditions in the prone position and during pharmacologic-induced hypotension.” Based on these results, the researchers concluded that Vasotrac is a reliable alternative to cuff and direct arterial blood pressure measurement during routine surgical cases. Vasotrac is the product of Medwave, Inc. (Danvers, MA, USA; www.medwave.com). The company has received regulatory clearance to market its technology in the United States, Europe, and Asia. To date, a number of versions are installed in more than 500 hospitals and clinics worldwide. In a previous report on children who had congenital cardiac surgery, the investigators had demonstrated agreement between the Vasotrac measurements and those obtained from direct intra-arterial blood pressure monitoring, but that comparison was performed once patients were in stable condition after cardiac surgery. The new test was performed to test Vasotrac in children undergoing scoliosis surgery, under wide blood fluctuations, surgical blood loss, and in a different patient position. “We have had studies presented and published regarding the use of our technology with pediatric patients and obese patients, and in emergency medicine environments,” noted Tim O’Malley, president and CEO of Medwave. “All completed studies thus far have rendered positive results in which our technology has performed extremely well.” 本文關鍵字:
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