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Sysmex公司推出X系列產品使用檢測血小板分數的軟件 【?2005-11-15 發布?】 美迪醫訊
比較特別的是,這種軟件被設計用于在Sysmex集團公司(Kobe, Japan; www.sysmex.co.jp)XE-2100血液學分析儀中,檢測未成熟血小板分數(IPF)、網狀細胞血紅蛋白當量(RET-He)。在X系列產品所有這些細胞都暴露于對核酸有親和力的熒光染料。 Sysmex美洲公司醫療主任Ian Giles說:“未成熟血小板分數是血栓形成的指標,通過區分骨髓功能障礙和外周血小板消耗或者破壞,能夠鑒定血小板減少癥的起源?!? RET-He指標能夠在程序中直接測定平均網狀細胞血紅蛋白含量。因此這是早期診斷鐵缺乏的有用指標,并可以指導制定鐵劑治療的最佳方案。 Sysmex美洲公司產品經理Peggy Barranco說:“推出為XE-2100設計的新軟件意味著Sysmex公司致力于改進XE-2100熒光流式細胞儀的工藝?!盨ysmex XE-2100已經在全球超過6,000家實驗室中得以廣泛應用。 Software Measures Platelet Fraction More specifically, the software is designed to measure immature platelet fraction (IPF) and reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (RET-He) on the XE-2100 hematology analyzers of Sysmex Corp. (Kobe, Japan; www.sysmex.co.jp). All of the cells sampled on the X-series of instruments are exposed to fluorescent dyes with affinity for nucleic acids. “The Immature Platelet Fraction is an index of thrombopoiesis,” said Ian Giles, M.D., medical director, Sysmex America. “It can determine the origin of thrombocytopenia by helping to distinguish between bone marrow failure and peripheral platelet consumption or destruction.” The RET-He parameter provides a direct measurement for the mean reticulocyte hemoglobin content in picograms. It is therefore a useful parameter for the early diagnosis of iron deficiency (iron restricted erthropoiesis) and for optimizing iron therapy. “Release of the new master software programs for the XE-2100 indicates Sysmex’s commitment to our ongoing improvement of XE-2100 fluorescent flow cytometry technology,” said Peggy Barranco, product manager, Sysmex America. The Sysmex XE-2100 is now in more than 6,000 laboratories worldwide. /**/本文關鍵字:
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